Spring Squat Challenge

Squat your way to strong legs and a perky butt!

Squat your way to strong legs and a perky butt with this squat challenge! Squatting is one of the most effective, calorie-torching, muscle-building moves you can do to shape your butt and strengthen your lower body. Squats work your quads, hamstrings, and gluteus. Because they activate such large muscle groups, squats are notoriously great at burning calories.

This challenge will take your body transformation to the next level. Every day, you’ll be asked to complete four sets of 25 squats each. That’s 100 squats per day! You can choose to complete all four sets in a single workout or space them throughout the day. All that matters is that you finish your 100 squats every day for the duration of spring. Come summertime, you’ll see a marked difference in your lower body. You’ll have more toned legs and a firm, shapely butt!

8 Benefits of the Spring Squat Challenge:

1. Build muscle by strengthening your hamstrings and quadriceps.
2. Lift and shape your butt by working your glutes.
3. Tone your abs and improve your balance by using your core to stabilize.
4. Torch calories.
5. Work out anytime, anywhere.
6. You need no equipment at all.
7. Improve endurance.
8. It takes just a few minutes a day!

The Challenge

What to Do: Complete 4 sets of 25 squats per day, for a total of 100 squats daily. Download the Spring Squat Challenge Calendar to track your progress. Watch the videos below to learn how to properly perform a squat. Proper form can prevent many sport-related injuries. As you progress, check off all the days you’ve completed your hundred squats!


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Sofia Lopez

Sofia received her BA from Cornell University and her MFA from San Francisco State University. She creates workouts and fitness challenges. Her hobbies include running, hiking, and listening to audiobooks from the exercise bike.

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