This workout will have you sleeping like a log.
This is a mini workout for beginners designed to tone, define, and get your heart rate up just enough so that you can then put your head on your pillow and fall right to sleep! These before-sleeping workout exercises use your own bodyweight to perform 6 moves. All you need is some commitment and determination to perform this workout every night, 365 days a year. This is absolutely doable as this routine takes just 6 minutes including rest periods!
Equipment Needed: interval timer (free app download) and yoga mat
What to Do: Perform each exercise for 45 seconds with 15 seconds rest in between. Make sure to watch the videos below for correct form. Do this routine right before you go to sleep – it can even be done in your pajamas!
1. Jumping Jacks
2. Knee Pushups
3. High Knees
4. Bodyweight Squats
5. Square Jumps
6. Bicycle
Jumping Jacks
Knee Pushups
High Knees
Bodyweight Squats
Square Jumps
Check out some of our favorite quick workouts for amazing results:
Before Your Shower – Mini Morning Workout
Beginner’s Total Body Fat Blasting Routine
Shape Up Size Down – No Impact Aqua Workout for Absolute Beginners
Shape Up Size Down – 7 Day Get Moving Challenge
Shape Up Size Down – 4 Minute Fat Blaster
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This is awesome , i am not actually fat but only my belly a bit … started doing this plus i eat 4 sandwiches in a whole ONE day. and im losing the belly .. not fast but i see improvement! thanks!