The science behind meditation has caught up, and it'll blow you away.
Breathe in, breathe out. What was once considered an eccentric practice has swept through the modern world and become a trendy activity. Meditation clocks in as one of the single most beneficial activities you can add to your day. Yogis have supported the spiritual practice for centuries due to its healthy effects, but hard science has now caught up. Besides melting away tension from your muscles and soothing your system, meditation shifts your brain’s activity to different areas of the cortex. This shift stimulates disease-fighting genes and decreases the negative effects of conditions like stress and depression. But that’s not all. The relaxation method fills your cells with prana (energy) and offers a feast of health benefits to help you lead a happier, healthier lifestyle.
If the idea of sitting uncomfortably on the floor for hours in silence has you feeling discouraged, don’t worry! As long as you find a quiet space to focus on your breath, you can meditate for as little as 5 minutes a day to reap benefits. We’re big fans of the stress-relieving activity, so we’ve compiled a list of 7 mind-blowing benefits to meditation that’ll convince you to take it on.
1. Manage Anxiety
A little guided breathing can wipe your stress away! Meditation can bring you to a deep state of relaxation in seconds, clearing a mind that’s crowded with thoughts. Research shows meditation lowers oxygen consumption and levels of blood lactate, which keeps anxiety attacks at bay. If managing a busy schedule, taking care of kids, or just dealing with everyday struggles has you feeling anxious and tense, take a few minutes to find your inner peace and meditate.
For other tips and tricks to dodge stress, check out How to Avoid Stress During the Day.
2. Prevents Depression
Conditions like depression and anxiety are often the result of hormonal imbalances. Regular meditation helps you achieve emotional balance by cleansing the consciousness of neurotic thoughts and behavior. People have considered meditation a form of emotional therapy for centuries. It’s better (and much healthier!) than expensive drugs.
And the biggest bonus? No side effects. The activity basically steals your attention, granting you some control over the thoughts that pass through. This control can stabilize your mood and prevent feelings like sadness from pushing through the forefront.
3. Promotes Serotonin Production
Guided breathing immerses you in a relaxed state that is linked to higher levels of feel-good chemicals like serotonin. Along with boosting your positive emotions, meditation is said to reduce loneliness and increase social connection. Who would’ve thought a solitary activity leads to a better social life?
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