4 Reasons Why You Should Get Familiar with Swiss Chard

Learn more about this lesser-known superfood.

Swiss chard is one of those vegetables that often goes unnoticed in the produce section. This is a shame because swiss chard tastes great when added to a large number of recipes, it’s low calorie, and it provides a whole lot of the nutrients we need on a daily basis. Discover tasty ways to add this superfood to your meal plan with some of our best swiss chart recipes, and learn more about the health benefits of this healthful stalk below.

You’ll love these SWISS CHARD RECIPES:
Tuscan Ribollita
Slow Cooker Cheddar Polenta with Winter Greens
Go Green Smoothie 4

For more delicious recipes and healthy lifestyle tips, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter.


1. Swiss Chard is a Nutritional Powerhouse

Swiss Chard is loaded with essential nutrients, offering Vitamins A, C, and K, magnesium, iron, and fiber, giving your body what it needs to stay healthy and strong.

2. Swiss Chard Promotes Eye Health

Carotenoids are pigments that are found in plants and help to keep the eyes from losing function with age, and swiss chard is loaded with them. They can help reduce the occurrence of cataracts and work to keep the retina from degenerating.

3. It’s Low-Cal and Versatile

A single cup of swiss chard contains only a measly 35 calories, so it is excellent for helping to prevent weight gain. Plus, swiss chard comes in a variety of colors and can easily be added to soups, stews, salads, and casseroles. Boil it, steam it, or roast it, and it still tastes delicious!

4. Swiss Chard Contains Over 300% of Your Daily Vitamin K

Vitamin K is important to heart health because it helps to prevent blood clots and clogged arteries. With over 300% of your daily intake of Vitamin K, swiss chard can help to ensure that your heart is able to remain strong.

For more delicious recipes and healthy lifestyle tips, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter.

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Kym Votruba

More by Kym

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