Butt and Gut Mat Workout

The anywhere anytime butt and guts workout!

Two areas women most often want to target are butt and abs. A strong, stable core and a toned butt can make a huge difference in your fitness level. They are key to attaining good balance and lower body strength. With this butt and gut mat workout, you’ll target your upper abs, lower abs, and glutes in just a few minutes. You don’t need any equipment, so you can do this from the comfort of your living room floor. It’s an anywhere, anytime mat workout for your butt and belly!

Butt and Gut Mat Workout

Shape, tighten, and round your butt, while you work for flatter, more defined abs.

What You’ll Need: a mat and a timer (your phone’s timer will do for this workout)

What to Do: Complete all the exercises in order without breaks in between. Take a 30-60 second rest after you finish all of the exercises and repeat.

Beginners: 2 rounds
Intermediate: 4 rounds
Advanced: 6 rounds

Move up a level when you feel your current workout is no longer a challenge. Below, we’ve included videos showing how to preform the exercises with proper form. Using proper form helps prevent injuries and ensures you’re getting the most out of your workout.


  • 40 Mountain Climbers
  • 40 Russian Twists
  • 20 Single-Leg Glute Bridge (Right Leg)
  • 20 Single-Leg Glute Bridge (Left Leg)
  • 20 Jackknife Crunches
  • 60 second Plank

Instructional Exercise Videos

Mountain Climbers

Russian Twists

Single Leg Glute Bridge
Jackknife Crunch


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Sofia Lopez

Sofia received her BA from Cornell University and her MFA from San Francisco State University. She creates workouts and fitness challenges. Her hobbies include running, hiking, and listening to audiobooks from the exercise bike.

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