Ideal for busy days!
A short workout is better than no workout! And this quick 12-minute routine will get your heart pumping even on days when you can’t make it to the gym. It’s a home HIIT challenge that burns a high number of calories despite being only 12 minutes long.
You don’t need any gym equipment for this workout. Just make sure to keep a timer or watch nearby. (Your phone’s timer works great for this!) Additionally, if you have dumbbells at home you can use them for the jumping jacks, lunges, and squats. This takes your workout to a whole new level!
What You’ll Need: a timer, and (optional) a mat or towel to lay on the floor
What to Do: Perform the exercises in order. Repeat for a total of 3 rounds with no rest in between.
Below, we’ve included videos showing how to perform each move. Using proper form helps prevent injuries and ensures you’re getting the most out of your workout.
60-second Jumping Jacks
30-second Mountain Climbers
60-second Walking Lunges
30-second Tuck Jumps
60-second Sumo Squats
Jumping Jacks
Mountain Climbers
Walking Lunges
Tuck Jumps
Sumo Squats