Friends or Family Sabotaging Your Healthy Lifestyle?

Find out how to work around these unhealthy temptations.

fun ways to eat clean

Is your social life sabotaging your healthy habits? Are the people around you making it too hard to eat healthy? Here are some tips to help you stay on track.

1. Plan Ahead – If you have a party, event or outing planned with your friends, try to find out what will be available to eat and try to plan for a healthy choice.

2. Healthy Snacks –Have a healthy snack at home before your next social event, and you won’t be as hungry at the event.

2. Quick Workout –Do a quick workout at home before your outing to burn some extra calories so you don’t have to pass up that piece of birthday or wedding cake.

3. Improve Your Social Network – Recruit your current friends to join you in your healthy lifestyle, and make new friends that already are living healthy. Habits can be contagious amongst friends.

4. Select Different Social Activities – Try out new social activities that revolve around healthy living such as taking a natural cooking class or joining a charity training group for a walk, marathon or triathlon.

5. Keep a Journal – Is the stress in your life causing you to eat or drink too much during social activities? Try expressing your feelings in a journal to highlight the triggers of your stress. Sometimes just writing down your problems will make you feel better.

If your friends still take you thru the drive-thru as you attempt to resist temptation then check out Fast Food Freedom, Ditching the Drive-Thru for fantastic alternative recipes to your favorite fast foods. What ways have you found to combat unhealthy social temptations?

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The SkinnyMs. team believes that all people, regardless of age, size, and fitness level, have the power to transform their lives — they just need the resources to do so. The SkinnyMs. method promotes healthy living through a combination of clean eating and regular exercise. We offer everything you need to be successful.

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