Don’t Want To Keep Searching for Sold Out Hand Sanitizer? Here’s our favorite DIY Hand Sanitizer

No more hand sanitizer? No problem!

DIY hand Sanitizer

Shelves are empty, which means the spread of germs is on the rise. While you may be feeling a bit uneasy, there’s no reason to panic! Even the people who were able to stock up on hand sanitizer will eventually run out. Luckily, we’ve got a DIY germ-fighting solution for you. This DIY hand sanitizer offers all of the essentials you’ll need to kill off bacteria while simultaneously keeping your hands moisturized and healthy.

You’ll also get a bit of re-invigoration with each use, from the calming scent of essential oils! While everyone’s fighting over the last Purell bottle, avoid the chaos and stock up on the products for this nearly all-natural germ-fighting solution!

Ingredients and Why They Work

Don't Want To Keep Searching for Sold Out Hand Sanitizer? Here's our favorite DIY Hand Sanitizer

What makes hand sanitizer work is the ingredients. With ethyl alcohol at its base and as the active ingredient, bacteria and germs don’t live long. On the other side are the inactive ingredients that offer the components your hands need to recuperate, except they aren’t natural (e.g., Tocopheryl acetate is a synthetic form of vitamin E). Natural solutions for health are always the best, and our DIY hand sanitizer, outside of the rubbing alcohol, offers natural inactive ingredients to soothe and nourish your skin once the germs are dead.

Isopropyl/Rubbing Alcohol

As the active ingredients, isopropyl alcohol is what does most of the dirty work against germs. Be sure to get a 70% solution and avoid anything higher. The 70% solution means there is 30% water, which is needed to enter the cell membrane and cause lysis (breaking down of the cell membrane). If the solution is too high, the alcohol won’t permeate the cell membrane.

Aloe Vera

The earliest record of aloe vera use dates back to 16th century BC, while in ancient Egypt, the plant was once called “the plant of immortality.” Topically, aloe vera has been known to soothe, heal, and treat skin conditions, and for hand sanitizer, you need to repair after you destroy. Aloe vera:

  • contains potent antioxidant compounds (polyphenols, indoles, and alkaloids) that may inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria.
  • has been used topically for years as a treatment for sores, particularly burns, including sunburns.
  • naturally hydrates the skin (this is important because the rubbing alcohol will dry your skin out)
  • protects from UV rays.

Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E is one of the best skincare options for repair and balance. In this DIY hand sanitizer, vitamin E works to:

  • moisturize skin
  • heal wounds
  • reducing skin itching
  • acts as a cleansing agent
  • helps maintain your skins oil balance (to prevent drying up)

Orange Essential Oil

When you think orange, you think vitamin C., And when you think vitamin C, you think immunity boosting. What oral vitamin C ingestion does for your insides, orange essential oil does when used topically. One of the biggest inhibitors to your immune system is stress. The scent of orange can help relieve minor stress. Additionally, the orange essential oil can:

  • treat skin conditions
  • reduce pain or inflammation
  • lift your mood or reduce stress
  • supports anti-microbial action

DIY Hand Sanitizer

Don't Want To Keep Searching for Sold Out Hand Sanitizer? Here's our favorite DIY Hand Sanitizer

You know why everything works, so now it’s time to get your solution ready. This mixture is for making a large portion. One large jar can be spread out into multiple smaller spray bottles for everyone in the family. Additionally, you can store it in the fridge for an easy refill as needed:

What You’ll Need

  • 2 Cup Measuring Beaker w/ Spout
  • 1 oz Glass Spray Bottles
  • Aloe Vera Leaf (or Aloe Gel if your market doesn’t sell leaves)
  • Rubbing/Isopropyl Alcohol (70%)
  • Vitamin E oil
  • Orange Essential Oil (this can be swapped out with another scent if orange causes reactions)

How to Make Your DIY Hand Sanitizer

  1. Fill the beaker 2/3 of the way with rubbing alcohol.
  2. If using the inner leaf juice of the aloe vera leaf, use scissors to cut a pointer finger length of the plant from the tip.
  3. If you’re using aloe gel that you’ve purchased, skip to step 7.
  4. Peel off the rind and scoop the inside leaf juice out into a small bowl.
  5. Use the back end of the spoon or a pestle to lightly mash the inner leaf until it is mostly liquid.
  6. Pour the entire aloe juice contents into the beaker.
  7. For aloe gel, pour 3 tablespoons into the beaker.
  8. Add 1 tablespoon of vitamin E oil and 5 drops of orange essential oil.
  9. Grab your spoon and stir gently
  10. Pour contents into your spray bottle and shake for 5 seconds.
  11. Use as needed!

That’s it! Your DIY hand sanitizer is ready for you. Always shake the bottle before use; this will ensure that all of the ingredients are in every spritz. Also, be sure to rub your hands, fingernails, and wrists thoroughly. Let the solution naturally dry, and you’re all set!

Looking for more health tips? Our self-care sections offers a variety of ways to stay healthy and live a better life, focused on your needs.

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Trainer Clifford

Clifford is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and a lover of all things health, fitness, personal development, and community. When he's not cycling, hiking, or exploring new food recipes, he works to help others achieve personal growth.

More by Clifford


  1. Great info and easy to find things that can add to our health instead of affecting it negatively.

  2. Your final mixture needs to be 60% alcohol to kill germs. That’s why you need to start with 91% isopropyl. 70% isn’t strong enough to kill germs once it’s diluted.

    1. Hi Mary, you’re right that 60% alcohol is needed to kill germs. But aloe vera and vitamin E oil (and orange essential oil if added) also provide antibacterial benefits. Some people have sensitive skin, so using a high % astringent may cause adverse reactions or may damage the skin’s natural microbiome, especially in a time where we’ll be using hand sanitizer regularly.

  3. The problem is finding rubbing alcohol, been sold out, out of stock, etc. I am a senior citizen, not a good thing probably for me to be running around looking for alcohol. Any suggestions? I am also a caregiver to my disabled daughter, who it is hard to take with me and her day program is closed.

    1. Depending on your area store are slowly gaining stock. You could also try a delivery service or check and see if your store is providing pick up for groceries!

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