Burn, Baby! Burn!
In today’s society, we’re all so busy and crunched for time! It’s no surprise that the biggest excuse for not working out is… wait for it… NOT ENOUGH TIME. This is the main reason that I’m such a huge fan of HIIT workouts. These workouts are quick and efficient! If we’re really being honest with ourselves we can ALL find 20 minutes to get in a killer workout. You can burn a whole lot of calories in a short amount of time! Are you up for this 14-Day HIIT Cardio Challenge?!
HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. This form of training transitions back and forth between short bursts of high and low intensity exercise. The goal is to boost your heart rate to get that excess fat burning. You can participate in this challenge whether you workout at home or in the gym. You just need a few basic tools.
What You’ll Need: A yoga mat or towel, jump rope, set of dumbbells (5 to 15 pounds), a timer, a kettle bell if available (dumbbell if not) and a chair.
The Workout: 14-Day HIIT Cardio Challenge
What You’ll Do: Each workout will consist of 4 exercises. The first week each exercise will be performed for 30 seconds followed by 30 seconds of rest. You’ll then immediately move on to the next exercise in the circuit. Complete 5 rounds. It should take you 20 minutes. The second week, you’ll repeat the first week of exercises but you’ll perform each exercise for 45 seconds with 15 seconds of rest in between. Good luck, now get to burning those calories! 🙂
Day 1: Lower Body Cardio
- Body Weight Squats
- Burpees
- Alternating Reverse Lunge with Kick
- Frog Jumps
Day 2: Upper Body Cardio
- Alternating Plank Row
- Kettle Bell Swing (or Dumbbell)
- Pushups
- Jumping Jacks
Day 3: Rest Day
Stretch and Recover
Day 4: Core Cardio
- Bicycle Crunch
- Reverse Crunch
- Medicine Ball Side Twists
- Scissor Kicks
Day 5: Lower Body Cardio
- Walking Lunges
- Mountain Climber
- Kettle Bell (or Dumbbell) Dead-lift to High Row
- Alternating Side Lunges
Day 6: Rest Day
Take a nap! Then keep on stretching.
Day 7: Upper Body Cardio
- Curl, Press, to Step-Up (on Chair or step)
- Jump Rope
- Chair Dips
- Jog in Place
Alternating Reverse Lunge with Kick
Frog Jumps
Alternating Plank Row
Kettle Bell Swing (or Dumbbell)
Jumping Jacks
Bicycle Crunch
Reverse Crunch
Medicine Ball Side Twists
Scissor Kicks
Walking Lunges
Mountain Climber
Kettle Bell (or Dumbbell) Dead-lift to High Row
Alternating Side Lunges
Curl, Press, to Step-Up (on Chair or Step)
Jump Rope
Chair Dips
Jog in Place
We can’t wait to hear what you think of this 14-Day HIIT Cardio Workout! Let us know in the comments below. Don’t forget to track your progress. Write down your starting weight and take some circumference measurements. In combination with a healthy diet, this workout is sure to shed some pounds. If you enjoyed this workout, try this Belly Fat Melting HIIT Workout. For more great workouts follow us on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram!