How To Get A Six Pack in 6 Moves

Toned abs are just a few moves away.

When you see a fellow fitness addict at the gym with gorgeous, toned six pack abs, do you feel a twinge of envy? Are you working your core but not quite seeing the results you long for? Our six pack workout will carve out a set of washboard abs in just six efficient moves.

Equipment Needed: yoga mat, interval timer (Gymboss is a free app)

What to Do: Perform each exercise for the duration of time indicated below, depending on your fitness level. Repeat 3 times. Rest 30 seconds between rounds, but do not rest in between exercises. Perform this routine 3-4 times per week for quicker results.

Beginner’s Level: 30 sec
Intermediate Level: 45 sec
Advanced Level: 1 minute

1. Crunches

Crunches are a staple for in any ab routine. They target your upper abs and set the tone for your workout.

2. Leg Lifts

To balance out upper ab work, leg lifts help tone and flatten your lower belly, which is the area where many women have trouble reducing fat. Shedding lower belly fat is difficult, but the more you work the muscle, the better your results will be.

Shedding belly fat isn’t only about exercise. Read these 21 Flat Belly Tips to get your entire body involved on the right path to a six pack.

3. Jackknife

Combining both upper and lower ab work, the jackknife builds muscle as it simultaneously gives your lower and upper abs a stretch and contraction. Working both muscle groups burns more fat and builds more muscle strength.

4. Russian Twist

In order to really define your six pack, you have to target your obliques. The additional burn of Russian twists works your upper absalso, bringing more definition to the sides of the muscles. Having your feet in the air keeps your core engaged, strengthening your entire midsection.

5. Bicycles

Bicycles exercise all of your abdominal muscles. They target upper, lower, and obliques in one movement. Slower work promotes strength, while faster bicycles help burn calories.

6. Alternating Heel Touches

This is obliques exercise will help to reduce any signs of a muffin top.

Additional Tips for Success

1. Ab work can be done everyday in small doses to get beneficial results.
2. You can add dumbbells to many of these exercises for better results. Resistance equals growth for all muscles.
3. As you progress, switch up the order that you perform the exercises in the routine.

Exercise is only part of the success for a six pack. Try these addition tips for full and continual success:
5 Flat Belly Drinks
Top 25 Flat Belly Foods
25 Best Flat Belly Snacks

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The SkinnyMs. team believes that all people, regardless of age, size, and fitness level, have the power to transform their lives — they just need the resources to do so. The SkinnyMs. method promotes healthy living through a combination of clean eating and regular exercise. We offer everything you need to be successful.

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