Don't think of clean eating as a chore. Use these tips to make it fun!
It may seem like everyone is talking about clean eating these days, but this movement is more than just another health craze. Eating clean is a lifestyle that focuses on getting back to basics when it comes to what goes into your body, eating food the way nature intended, and leaving you healthier and more mindful. There are just so many ways to eat clean. It may take some hard work and dedication, but if you think a healthy lifestyle has to be boring or torturous, think again. These three fun ways to eat clean will shut that idea down, fast.
Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been eating clean since before it was cool, here are some ideas to keep things fun and fresh — literally.
Three Fun Ways to Eat Clean
1. Spice Things Up
Add a little flavor—and very few extra calories—to your favorite clean dishes with spices. Not only will they add some fresh flavors, but spices like cayenne, cinnamon, cumin, and ginger come with their own health and weight loss benefits as well.
Not only do spices wake up your taste buds, they’re also great for your body in so many ways. Health benefits range from relieving stomach pain and headaches, to acting as an anti-inflammatory and boosting your immune system.
Make a delicious Immune-Boosting Turmeric Tea when you’re not feeling well. Add cayenne to your meals when you’re trying to eat less. Chow down on some Chicken and Ginger Soup when you need some comfort food. The possibilities are endlessly easy!
2. Make Grocery Shopping an Outing
If your shopping routine has started to feel a little tired, try making a day of it. Grab a friend and head to a different store than your usual supermarket.
Or better yet, find a store that stocks locally-sourced meat and produce. While these ingredients will typically run pricier, your purchase will more directly support sustainable farming in your community.
Alternatively, stores like Whole Foods cuts your work in half by prioritizing minimally processed foods, meaning you can spend less time reading labels and more time looking for fun clean foods to add to this week’s meal plan. And while you’re at it, you can use that saved time to choose money-saving grocery store swaps instead.
I love learning the weekly deals at my local grocer and planning my meals around them. It makes the grocery trip a little more exciting and special, especially since I know I’m saving cash. The meal is just the cherry on top!
3. Buddy Up
If your friend gets inspired by your Whole Foods trip, help her start her own clean eating journey. Everything’s better with friends!
The two of you can hit up farmer’s markets for fresh fruits and veggies or head to the new raw restaurant downtown. Challenge each other to avoid your favorite unhealthy snacks and reward each other with fun alternatives. With these tips, clean eating may even be your new go-to source for weekend plans!
If you’re loving these tips, please check out our Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest pages. They have tons of recipes and even some great workouts and health tips, too!