We’ve all either said it or have heard it said, “I have mom’s thunder thighs,” or some other remark about the shape of our bodies. From tummies to arms, to calves, thighs, and derrieres, many of us want to make some kind of improvement to the overall shape of our bodies.
It’s true that genetics plays a role in body shape; however, it is possible to reshape your body, despite genetics. The gene pool you come from only plays a minor role in determining your body’s shape. Ultimately, body shape is determined by the foods you eat, how much you eat, and how often you exercise. It’s as simple as that. Here are 3 Simple Ways to “Reshape” Your Body, Despite Genetics:
1. Watch What You Eat
Most people know that they can not live on junk food and expect their bodies to respond in a positive manner. Still, we all make the mistake of ignoring nutrition sometimes and indulging a bit too much in foods we know are not the best choices. Busy live, stress, and other factors often find us grabbing for fast food, donuts, candy, and soda for a quick jolt of energy, something to tame the growling hunger, or a sweet treat to calm a craving or provide some comfort. This is not a problem if done in moderation and combined with a healthy diet overall, as well as regular physical activity. However, overindulgence in the wrong foods can contribute to weight gain, poor nutrition, health problems, and certainly will not help you to achieve the body shape you desire.
2. Learn to Control Your Portions
Rather than skipping meals and eating huge portions later because you feel famished, your body will thank you for taking care to control your portions all day long. Starting your day with a healthy breakfast will fuel your body and get things off to a good start. A light lunch is best to help keep your energy up and to avoid lethargy by the afternoon. For the best possible results, you should eat several small meals throughout the day to keep your blood sugar stable. This will prevent overeating later on. Check out our Skinny Ms. Snack Round-up for delicious and nutritious snack options.
3. Don’t Forget to Exercise
Physical activity is an important aspect of healthy living and reshaping your body. Now, it is commendable that some people wish to join gyms, employ a personal trainer, and go all out with aerobics and other strenuous exercise; however, in the real world, most of us do not have the time, money, or desire for this. Frankly, it’s really not necessary, anyway. There are plenty of other ways to lose weight, tone up, and get healthy. Exercise is about movement. So get up and move around. Go for a brisk walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Get outside and play with the kids. Enjoy a sport. Dance. Skate. Clean the house. The options for physical activity are nearly endless. The point is to get 30 minutes to one hour of good exercise per day to benefit your body. You will be amazed how well simple exercise will help you to shed pounds, reshape your body, and feel better. And if you feel the need to help you body reshaping endeavor along, you can always do some light weightlifting, crunches, and other toning and stretching exercises as well. Check out our 7 Day Walking Fat Blaster Challenge!
Reshaping your body shape is not an easy task, but it’s not as difficult as we often assume, either. It simply takes effort and diligence, especially with regard exercise and nutrition.