Cottage cheese. Orange peel. It doesn’t matter what you call it, you want that cellulite gone. While there may be no way to permanently banish the bumpy stuff, we can make smart diet choices that make it less noticeable. Check out these 4 Everyday Foods that Battle Cellulite:
Free radicals are body cells gone bad. They’re notorious for damaging skin’s elasticity, which can make fatty deposits appear more prominent. Berries are rich in antioxidants, nature’s first line of defense against free radicals. Reach for strawberries, raspberries, and other berries for a super-sized dose of antioxidants. Get started with this decadent Skinny Berry Parfait.
Vitamin C is one key to preventing the breakdown of collagen, which supports skin’s structure and keeps it elastic so lumps appear less visible. Snack or cook with vitamin C-rich vegetables, like broccoli, kale, peppers, and tomatoes.
Whole Grains
White bread and white rice trigger insulin spikes that tell the body to store fat—and not burn it. This excess fat fills cells, making them more likely to push against skin creating bumps. Instead stick to whole grains, like quinoa or bulgur, to reduce that insulin spike. Check out this Skinny Quinoa Skillet Supper.
Not all fats are evil. Essential fatty acids (EFAs), like those found in salmon and other cold-water fish, strengthen cell walls so they don’t lose water. This reduces the appearance of cellulite by helping cells stay hydrated, making the skin appear more evenly textured.
Start planning your menu now so you can reduce cellulite naturally with good-for-you foods. Then, Blast Cellulite with this Workout.