We created this At-Home Tabata Workout for Beginners to introduce you to the joy, exhaustion, and benefits of tabata work.
How does a four-minute workout sound? Pretty appealing! Get halfway through, though, and you’ll realize that the best workouts are about how hard you work, not how long. Tabata is a variation of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Most HIIT workouts can be any time length, but Tabata is a four-minute commitment of fat-blasting work. We created this At-Home Tabata Workout for Beginners to introduce you to the joy, exhaustion, and benefits of Tabata work.
The idea of Tabata seems simple, but the work involved is going to drag every bit of energy out of you. Tabata works like this:
- Choose four exercises
- Work hard for 20 seconds
- Rest for 10 seconds
- Complete two rounds for a four-minute workout
Like all HIIT workouts, Tabata blasts fat at a faster rate. Your heart will be racing, your metabolism boosted, and your lungs will struggle for air as you get used to the work. Trust me; you’ll get through it! For the 20 seconds of exercise, you’ll need to give it your all. Be sure to breathe properly (exhaling on every exertion), move with good form, and push through to earn your 10 seconds of rest.
The four exercises are all cardio-based, and two of them are compound exercises with dumbbells. Compound exercises let you workout multiple muscle groups at once, and the weighted resistance will improve muscle growth to increase fat blasting.
Enjoy this Tabata workout in the morning to get an additional metabolism boost for the entire day. Most importantly, it also gets the hardest part of the day out of the way.
At-Home Tabata Workout for Beginners
What to Do: Perform each exercise for 20 seconds, resting for 10 seconds in between. Complete two rounds with no rest in between rounds. Perform this workout five times a week.
What you’ll Need: A set of light dumbbells (5 to 10 pounds) and an interval timer (available on most phones).
- Jumping Jacks
- Walking Lunge w/ Bicep Curl
- Star Jump (Plyo Jack)
- Dumbbell Squat and Overhead Press
Since you’re starting on your fitness journey, learn all the essentials to get started with The Beginner’s Guide to Getting Fit.
Jumping Jacks
Walking Lunge w/ Bicep Curl
Star Jump (Plyo Jack)
Dumbbell Squat and Overhead Press
After you no longer need the at-home tabata workout for beginners, take the next challenge with our 7-Day Tabata Tone-Up | Fast Workouts that Burn Fat.
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