Lower Back Body Weight Workout

Give that lower back some love.

Whether you’re looking to create sexy curves, alleviate lower back pain, or both, we’ve got you covered! Give some more love to your lower back when working out! Pull downs at the gym are all good, but almost all machines target the upper back, leaving the ever so important lower back out of the picture. The best lower back workouts not only help stabilize the spine, they’ll help you get that toned, total body look you’re after. The lower back exercises below will engage the stabilizer muscles and keep you looking your sharpest while using nothing but your own body weight!

Lower Back Body Weight Workout

Equipment Needed: yoga mat or soft surface

What to Do: Repeat 3 sets of the exercises below. Complete the circuits 2 times per week. See videos at the bottom for demonstrations.


1. Knees to Chest Hug – 10 reps
2. Quadruped or Bird Dog – 8 reps
3. Superman – 15 reps
4. Superman Alternating – 8 reps
5. Bridge – 10 reps
6. Cat Stretch – 10 reps

Instructional Videos

Knees to Chest Hug



Superman Alternating


Cat Stretch

After this Lower Back Body Weight Workout, try some of these other popular back workouts to tone a beautiful back:

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Participants of this workout should speak with their doctors about their individual needs before starting any exercise program. This Web site is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice and supervision of your personal physician. Any application of this or any other exercise routine set forth in this program is at the viewer’s discretion and sole risk. See your physician before beginning any exercise program. This is especially important if your family has a history of heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, arthritis, obesity, cigarette smoking, or other health conditions.

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The SkinnyMs. team believes that all people, regardless of age, size, and fitness level, have the power to transform their lives — they just need the resources to do so. The SkinnyMs. method promotes healthy living through a combination of clean eating and regular exercise. We offer everything you need to be successful.

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