Your everyday appliance is taking some heat!
When it comes to cooking appliances, both microwaves and conventional ovens have their separate and individual strengths. For example, microwaves will reheat your leftovers in a jiffy, swooping to your rescue on busy nights when you’re famished. They also allow you to prepare food in ready-to-eat dishes, eliminating the hassle of washing pots and pans afterwards. Finally, microwaves allow you to enjoy freezer meals, transforming a rock-solid frozen dinner into a melt-in-your-mouth, belly-warming feast in a matter of minutes. However, despite the remarkable time and effort microwaves save you, they come with repercussions that arguably outweigh their advantages. Unlike ovens, which heat food evenly from the inside out, microwaves cook food rapidly by heating from the outside in, acting on water molecules. These molecules exceed the temperature of actual food and evaporate quickly, leaving your meal in a somewhat dry, rubbery state.
Microwave Vs Oven
Every method of cooking lowers the nutritional value of food. Temperature, cooking time, and manner are the most important elements. Water-soluble nutrients may leach out of the food while boiling. Microwave cooking durations are often brief, and the temperature is low. Furthermore, the meal is rarely boiled. Some nutrients degrade when exposed to heat, whether from a microwave or a conventional oven. Vitamin C is likely the most obvious example. However, because microwave cooking durations are shorter, microwave cooking preserves more vitamin C and other nutrients that degrade when heated.
Microwaving certain foods may reduce the production of hazardous chemicals. Microwaving has the advantage of not heating up the food nearly as much as other forms of cooking, such as frying. Typically, the temperature does not rise over 212°F (100°C), the boiling point of water. Fatty foods, such as bacon, can, nevertheless, grow hotter.
But that’s not all- microwaves can affect your food in ways conventional ovens don’t, leading to health issues like impaired cognition, nausea, and a weakened immune system. Sure, the handy dandy appliance can prepare your favorite dishes in up to 75% less time than other cooking methods, but this quick fix certainly comes with consequences.
Here at Skinny Ms., we’ve grouped together 5 reasons why in the bout between microwave vs oven, traditional ovens beat microwaves, and how opting for ovens can save your health and boost your wellness! So ditch that microwave at once!
1. Microwaves heat food unevenly.
Hot spots form in regions around the globe, but did you know they could form in your food? When microwaving your food, waves bounce off of food and form standing waves, which can generate spots of varying temperature throughout your meal. Meanwhile, microwaves give off heat waves as they heat your food, and certain parts of your food have a greater ability to absorb these heat waves than others. Components of food with more water, for example, will conduct heat better than drier areas.
So, spare the confusion from your taste buds as you bite into an unevenly-cooked piece of food, and stick to ovens!
2. Microwaving invites bacteria to the party.
Just like hot spots can form due to uneven cooking, this issue affects not only the taste quality of your food, but the bacteria content. Areas that your microwave fails to cook adequately can act as small pockets to cradle bacteria. These mini bacteria homes would otherwise be destroyed if cooked in a conventional oven. All in all, microwaving your food wont kill harmful bacteria entirely, which can ultimately invite health issues like food poisoning and salmonella. Play it safe and opt for your oven instead!
3. Radiation can trigger “Microwave Sickness”.
Make no mistake- microwaves emit radiation. The process is pretty simple- food contains water molecules, and these molecules vibrate and ultimately produce heat after absorbing microwaves. Unfortunately, radiation-emitting machines like microwaves come with a set of dangers that can take a toll on your health. Regular use of the seemingly innocent appliance can trigger “Microwave Sickness,” a condition that can cause impaired cognition, nausea, vision problems, depression, and a weakened immune system. You can dodge these issues by choosing to cook with your oven instead, which doesn’t release radiation.
4. Ovens retain nutrients; microwaves don’t.
With the tap of a button, your microwave can wash away all those precious, beneficial nutrients your food has to offer. Microwaving meals depletes the life energy in your food more dramatically than conventional ovens. As a result, your food’s nutritional value takes a nosedive and its health benefits go out the window!
5. Oven-baked food tastes better!
Microwaves heat food faster than ovens, but faster doesn’t always mean better! After popping in your dish and choosing a cooking time, microwaves immediately act on water molecules within your food. These molecules warm up rapidly, oftentimes surpassing the temperature of their surrounding food. As a result, water evaporates quickly and leaves your food in a dry, rubbery state that’s frankly unappetizing. By contrast, ovens heat food evenly from the outside in, delivering a crisp exterior and warm, pleasurable interior that simply tastes better.
On the hunt for some awesome oven-baked dishes that’ll impress your friends and family? Pre-game your meal with this yummy Oven Baked Cheesy Artichoke Dip , add finger-lickin’ excitement to game day with these Sticky Baked Wings, and complete the night with this sweet, mouthwatering Panko Crusted Brownie Pie.
We have countless drool-worthy oven-baked recipes on our site to choose from but these are just some of our top picks!
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- Spicy Eggplant Stir-Fry With Mushrooms
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