11 Exercises For a Stronger Spin Class

Charge up your spin game!

It’s time to take things to the next level. Spinning has brought you amazing results, but for some reason you’ve hit a wall. Sometimes you have to incorporate other workouts to bring drastic change and growth in other areas of fitness. These 11 exercises will strengthen your body to ensure that the upcoming weeks of spinning will be your best.

Cycling is a full body sport which utilizes various muscles. Your hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, and your core are some of the key muscles being used. Strengthening these will give you more power and endurance in class. Once you’ve given these exercises a try and feel more powerful, saddle up to see and feel the difference.

Equipment Needed: Interval timer (Gymboss is a free app download), 1 set of heavy weights(15-20 lbs), stability ball, bench, yoga mat or soft surface, water for hydration.

What to Do: Watch the videos below to become familiarized with each exercise. Perform each exercise for 10-12 reps unless otherwise noted. You’ll only need to perform this routine once, so make the most of each exercise! Complete this workout 2 times each week to increase your Spin power.

1. Single-Leg Box Jump – 1 minute
2. Split Jack
3. Weighted Half Squat
4. Weighted Lunges
5. Pistol Squat
6. Side Plank – 30 second hold
7. Power Bridge
8. Boat Pose – 1 minute hold.
9. Scissor Kick
10. Stability Ball Glute Lift
11. Stability Ball Crunch – 45 seconds

Single-Leg Box Jump

Split Jack

Weighted Half Squat

Weighted Lunges

Pistol Squat

Side Plank

Power Bridge

Boat Pose

Scissor Kick

Stability Ball Glute Lift

Stability Ball Crunch

Try these cardio workouts with this the new powerhouse of our legs and core:
11 Quick Cardio Workouts
H.I.I.T the Treadmill
Do-Anywhere Cardio Workout Challenge

And, of course, be sure to like our Facebook page and follow us on Pinterest for more workouts, clean eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

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The SkinnyMs. team believes that all people, regardless of age, size, and fitness level, have the power to transform their lives — they just need the resources to do so. The SkinnyMs. method promotes healthy living through a combination of clean eating and regular exercise. We offer everything you need to be successful.

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