11 Things You Didn’t Know Were Possible With Quinoa

Nearly anything can be made healthily!

The Flexitarian Diet

That fiber-rich, protein-packed little seed, quinoa, is so much more versatile than most people think! Try these recipes for a healthier twist on some sweet, spicy, and hearty favorites.

1. Puffed Quinoa Peanut Butter Balls    

Vegan, gluten-free, and no-bake – what a simple treat! Get the recipe here.

2. Quinoa Peanut Butter Fudgesicles

As far as quinoa recipes go, this just might be the most indulgent. Get the recipe here.

3. Thai Quinoa Chili

Chili like you’ve never imagined it! Get the recipe here.

4. Black Quinoa Cookies

Green spelt flour and black quinoa combine to make one cool cookie recipe. Grab it here.

5. Quinoa Black Bean Burgers

This delicious burger recipe, complete with an exciting pineapple salsa, will leave you satisfied without the meat. Get it here.

6. Protein Bowl

This sweet breakfast cereal preparation gives you a whole new perspective on quinoa. Get the recipe here.

7. Chipotle Quinoa Casserole

Enjoy a Tex-Mex twist with this quinoa casserole recipe!

8. Quinoa Stuffing

This stuffing recipe features butternut squash, celeriac, and, of course, quinoa! Get it here.

9. Quinoa Crisp and Berry Parfait

This parfait, perfect for breakfast or dessert, is full of antioxidants! Get the recipe here.

10. Quinoa Spring Sushi

Replace traditional sushi rice with nutrient-rich quinoa for a super healthy sushi roll! Get the recipe here.

11. Quinoa Onion Rings with Horseradish Dip

This is one of those dishes with quinoa that proves nearly anything can be made healthily! Get the recipe here.

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The SkinnyMs. team believes that all people, regardless of age, size, and fitness level, have the power to transform their lives — they just need the resources to do so. The SkinnyMs. method promotes healthy living through a combination of clean eating and regular exercise. We offer everything you need to be successful.

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