Torch fat in under 5 minutes!
Got 4 minutes? Of course, you do. No matter how busy you are, chances are good you can invest 4 minutes of the day into caring for your body. Enter the 4 minute workout. Known as Tabata, these high-intensity intervals, with just 10 seconds rest between exercises, will boost endurance, speed, and calorie burn. In other words, you get maximum fat-burning in minimum time. Here are six, 4 minute workouts to help you lose weight and increase metabolism:
1. Fat Scorching Tabata Interval Training
Get started with this fat burning Tabata routine. Look at fun and sing “burn baby burn” as you shed pounds, tone and strengthen your entire body.
2. Beginners’ 4 Minute Fat Blaster
Haven’t broken a sweat since…well…who knows when? This workout is the perfect way to jumpstart weight loss for beginners. Simple moves make it easy to focus on the exercises instead of worrying about what foot goes where. Easy-to-follow videos are included with the link.
3. Shape Up Size Down- 4 Minute Fat Blaster
Put the quest to lose weight into gear with this tabata-style routine that’s ideal no matter what your age or size. Using a chair (for sitting exercises), lightweight dumbbells, and an interval timer (we like the Gymboss), these lower-intensity exercises will put your physical fitness back on track. The workout includes videos to help you become familiar with correct form.
4. Inferno 4 Minute Burn
Lose weight with this intense 4 minute workout burst. The routine uses your own body weight, instead of dumbbells, to increase metabolism as well as tone lower body problem areas, like the thighs and glutes.
5. 4 Minute Fat Blaster – All Fitness Level
Workout newbie or serious gym fanatic…it doesn’t matter with this easily adaptable fat-burning workout. Check out the included video, and then jump right into the routine. Complete the circuit just twice to increase metabolism (calorie burn) for up to 24 hours. The exercises are simple too, making it a great way to start off any new weight loss plan.
6. Afternoon Burn
Afternoon delight has a whole new meaning with this routine. Like other 4 minute fat-burning workouts, this one’s intense burst of exercise will burn calories for up to a day after you’ve finished your last forward lunge. No gym membership required either—the only item you’ll need is a timer or a partner to track time for you. Move through the circuit twice for a calorie-burning 4 minute workout.
Fat-burning workouts don’t need to take a chunk out of the day—but you do need to commit to investing 4 minutes in yourself several times a week. You CAN do this!
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