You've never had a spoonful of lovin' quite like this!
Are you cuckoo for coconut oil? If not, it’s time to add this superfood to your healthy eating plan. Learn 7 ways a spoonful of coconut oil will boost your health.
Grocery and health food stores offer different types of coconut oil, which is often shelved near other cooking oils or the health food section. Choose unrefined virgin coconut oil, a form that hasn’t been bleached or processed with chemicals. You can reduce the risk of consuming pesticides and fertilizers by choosing an organic brand.
We’ve included plenty of recipes with coconut oil below, but you can also reap the benefits by taking about one tablespoon of coconut oil each day. Make it part of your daily routine. For example, take your spoonful with breakfast every morning.
Get the skinny on this superfood by checking out 101 Uses for Coconut Oil and How to Bake with Coconut Oil.
1. Keeps your heart happy
Coconut oil contains a naturally-occurring type of saturated fat called lauric acid, which supports heart health by promoting proper platelet function. This healthy fat raises HDL, the good form of cholesterol that lowers heart attack risk. Enjoy a heart-loving breakfast like Open Face Scrambled Eggs & Avocado Toast or Vanilla Quinoa and Roasted Blueberry Breakfast Bowl.
2. Destroys bacteria and viruses
The same lauric acid that aids heart health is converted into monolaurin, a substance that naturally destroys bacteria, viruses, and fungi, including common sources of yeast infections [1]. Get rid of underarm odor and feel fresh as a daisy with this surprisingly simple DIY Coconut Oil Deodorant.
3. Maintains blood sugar levels
This healthy oil contains medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs), which may improve glucose tolerance and reduce insulin resistance. Make your tummy happy the nutritious way with our Paprika Chicken Skillet.
4. Decreases belly fat
Abdominal fat is a particularly harmful type that’s been linked to conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. Research suggests that regularly consuming coconut oil reduces both BMI (body mass index) and waist circumference [2]. Indulge yourself without adding inches with Simple Pan Seared Scallops.