9 Foods to Help You Detox and Eat Clean

From the foods you eat, to the air you breathe, and the lotions you put on your skin, toxins are everywhere. While your body does a decent job of keeping you going on a daily basis in this chemical-laden world, toxins can have a damaging, long-term effect. It’s important to detox and cleanse your body from time to time through healthy eating, so that you can continue to look and feel your very best. We’ve put together a list of the best detoxifying foods, and have offered up some clean eating recipes to get you started.

Raw Food Detox Diet – 9 Foods to Help You Detox and Eliminate Waste:

1. Sea Vegetables – Sea vegetables, such as kelp, have long been recognized in Asian countries for their nutritional and medicinal properties. Not only are sea vegetables rich in iodine and potassium, but they are also said to boost liver function, which helps the body to detox naturally. For ideas on how to make snacks with sea vegetables, try our easy and delicious Seaweed Recipes.

2. Artichokes – There are few foods as friendly to your liver as artichokes. Artichokes offer up a powerful dose of silymarin, a powerful antioxidant, and cynarin, a fat-fighting acid, which enable the liver to process and eliminate toxins. For more information on this tasty veggie, check out our list of the Healthy Benefits of Artichokes.

3. Ginger – This versatile root is tops at boosting your body’s metabolism and helping to flush out waste products. Plus, recent studies suggest that ginger can help to keep your appetite in check. Not sure how to add ginger to your diet? Try our popular Lemon Ginger Detox Drink.

4. Avocados – Not only are avocados delicious, but they offer up an extra large heaping of fiber, which is excellent for keeping your digestion flowing and for cleansing the colon. Here are more reasons to incorporate avocados to your detox plan!

5. Beets Beets might just be the world’s greatest gift to detox. They’re loaded with toxin-flushing vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, zinc, iron, and calcium. Not the biggest fan of beets? Try our amazing Mediterranean Smoothie!

6. Pineapple – Nothing says summer quite like a juicy pineapple, and it turns out that this deliciously sweet fruit can help you eliminate toxins, too! Pineapple is chock-full of bromelain, a powerful digestive enzyme that works to cleanse the colon and rid the body of harmful bacteria. Discover more information on the benefits of pineapple.

7. Fennel – Haven’t tried fennel? You’re missing out. With a licorice-like flavor, fennel is packed with fiber, cleaning out the colon and aiding with digestion. Fennel also made our list of superfoods that help you sleep better, sharpen your mind, and slim your body.

8. Apples – An apple a day might keep more than just the doctor away! Apples are loaded with the essential vitamins you need to keep your body running strong. They also offer up a hefty dose of pectin, a soluble fiber that helps to remove food additives and metals from your system. Learn about more reasons to eat apples on a daily basis.

9. Cinnamon – You probably don’t need much convincing to add more cinnamon to your diet. This sweet spice is not only one of everyone’s favorite add-ins, but it is also loaded with iron, calcium, and manganese, which are fabulous at helping your body to process fatty acids and keep blood sugar in check. Discover the ins and outs of cinnamon.

Here is our full Superfoods Shopping List to help you with your cleanse!

For more information on how to detox safely and easily, try out our Three Day Cleanse & Detox  and our wonderful 5 Drink Recipes to help Flush Away the Fat!

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Which are your favorite foods that detox? Leave us a message in the comments section below.


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The SkinnyMs. team believes that all people, regardless of age, size, and fitness level, have the power to transform their lives — they just need the resources to do so. The SkinnyMs. method promotes healthy living through a combination of clean eating and regular exercise. We offer everything you need to be successful.

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