You'll be dusting off those shorts and sundresses in no time!
Warmer weather means short shorts, sundresses, and other leg-exposing attire. Sometimes, however, you might not think your legs are worthy of gracing the season with their presence. As a result, you continue to slip on those long, uber-concealing pants, despite the soaring temperatures. Luckily, we’ve created a foolproof leg workout designed to shape those legs into toned perfection in no time!
And if the concept of muscle toning is foreign in your vocabulary, don’t worry! We’ve designed this workout to target absolute beginners, as it incorporates simple, straightforward exercises anyone can do. Not to mention, with enough consistency and drive on your part, these exercises yield incredible results! Simply squeeze this routine of leg lifts, squats, and lunges into your daily schedule. Before you know it, you’ll sport an eye-catching pair of fit, slender legs you won’t resist showing off!
Equipment Needed: Yoga mat
What to Do: Perform 10 repetitions per exercise. For exercises that involve alternating sides, complete 10 reps per leg. Complete three rounds. Be sure to check out the helpful videos to ensure that you are performing each exercise using correct form.
1. Side-Lying Leg Left
2. Body Weight Squat
3. Side Lunge
Side Lying Leg Left
Body Weight Squat
Side Lunge
Try these other shapely exercises:
Shape Up Size Down- Find Your Abs Workout
Shape Up Size Down- Arm Workout
Shape Up Size Down- Absolute Beginner’s Workout
Is there a printer friendly version of this workout? It would be nice to have a copy next to my bed so I could do when I get up in morning.
Chris, Just sent it by email. 🙂
I'm having bariatric sleeve surgery 8/20/2013 and I'm 200 pounds overweight (I weight 356) I am looking for exercises that I can do now that will strengthen my back and core. I'd like to start doing something now to strengthen my back muscles and my core muscles. Would you suggest some exercises for me on a below beginner level?
Cee-Cee, First, I want to say, “Thank-you”! You’ve given me a great idea. I’m sure there are lots of people out there who would like similar workouts, “Below Beginner’s Workouts”. We’ll start brainstorming ASAP! In the meantime, I would suggest these few to get started:
1) Standing Pushups –
2) Side Lateral Raises (use 2-3 lb dumbbells, can be done sitting or standing) –
3) Tricep Extensions (use 2-3 lb dumbbells and set on a chair with a straight back)
4) Bicep Curls (use 2-3 lb dumbbells, can be done sitting or standing)
5) Standing Ab Workout ( ……do what you can for this routine)
Keep me posted!
I'd love to get a printable version of this as well. Thank you! 🙂
This sounds perfect for me! I would also love a printable version if not too much trouble.
Becky, Please copy and paste the workout into a word doc as we currently don’t have a print frunction for workouts. However, we have
lots of workout calendars you can download and print. Here’s one that you’ll love for beginner’s.