6-Minute Fat Burning Workout

A steady workout regimen is essential to a healthy lifestyle.

A slow and easy schedule doesn’t really exist for most people these days. Whether you are a mother of three, working from home, or a business woman with a traveling job, having a steady workout regimen is essential to a healthy lifestyle!

The 6-Minute Fat Blasting Workout You Can Do Anywhere, will give you the burn you’ve been missing, and it is simple enough to be done in your living room, or a hotel room. This type of workout is known as a Tabata , and it is great for blasting away that stubborn fat!

Equipment Needed:  Yoga mat; interval timer

What to Do: Complete each exercise for 20 seconds and rest 10 seconds after each one. Perform two circuits. Review the videos below for correct form of each move.


1. Run in Place
2. High Knees
3. Burpees
4. Mountain Climbers
5. Seal Jacks
6. Plyometric Lunges

Run in Place

High Knees


Mountain Climbers

Seal Jacks

Plyometric Lunges

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Allison Gentry

Allison attended East Tennessee State University where she graduated with a Bachelors in Exercise Science. She earned her certification as a personal trainer through Aerobics & Fitness Association of America. Allison is currently in her final year of study in the pursuit of a Doctorate in Physical Therapy. In her free time she participates in extreme obstacle course racing, having completed one Tough Mudder and a Trifecta of Spartan Races.

More by Allison


  1. The video demonstrating how to run in place won’t play. Something about the video being private? I don’t know what that’s about. Please fix. Thanks! 🙂

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