How To Get A Bigger Butt – 28 Day Program

Target your glutes from every angle and build a beautiful, firm, and lifted booty!

Try this program to build a bigger, rounder booty!

I think that it’s safe to say that most ladies would love to have a perky, firm and round booty. Some of us are born with genetically larger bottoms, while others aren’t as lucky. I have good news! Following this free, “How To Get A Bigger Butt – 28 Day Program” will get you some seriously stunning results. With it, you can lift, firm and build the booty of your dreams.

28 Day Booty-Building Program

There are a few key components to building muscle that I’d like to address before we get into the actual workouts. There’s more to building and toning muscle than just working out. Nutrition is a substantial part of it. Notice that I didn’t say “diet”. When your goal is to firm and build, you need to properly fuel your muscles. Not eating enough will not only slow the process down, but it will also stall your metabolism forcing your body to hold onto excess fat. Of course, you should always speak with a health professional before changing your diet as these are just general guidelines.

Feed and Refuel

1. You need to eat enough protein! A standard recommendation for muscular growth is to eat one gram of protein for every pound of bodyweight. For example, if you weigh 120 pounds, you need to get around 120 grams of protein per day. Some good sources of protein are lean meats, eggs, greek yogurt and protein supplements/shakes. The easiest way to make sure you can do this is to eat protein at every meal. For instance, if you eat 6 meals a day, try to get 20 grams of protein with each meal.

2. A large portion of dietary fat comes from your protein sources (salmon, eggs, nuts). Healthy fats will help you stay fuller longer, aiding in fat loss while the protein works to build and tone.

3. Another crucial element to building a booty is making sure you refuel, post-workout. Most muscle growth takes place after the workout is finished. This, of course, means getting another serving of protein, but it also requires a healthy dose of nutrient-dense carbohydrates. A few examples would be whole grain bread, brown rice, sweet potatoes and most fruits/veggies.

Try these delicious and nutritious Easy No-Bake Workout Bars as a pre or post workout snack!

Take it to the Limit

It’s imperative that you speak with your doctor before you take part in a new workout routine. We want you to be as healthy as possible!

When it comes to the actual workouts, you need to challenge yourself. Proper form should always be your number one priority. Make sure you know exactly how to perform an exercise before you begin. In order to help you do this, we’ve included instructional videos for each exercise. You’ll find these on page 2.

We want your form to be on point because in order to build a perky, round butt you’re going to need to lift heavier weight than you’re probably used to. Lifting heavier weight puts your muscles under tension that they’re not familiar with which forces them to grow.

I know that you may be thinking… “Won’t lifting heavy weight make me look bulky?” I know that this is a fear that many women, including some of my own clients, struggle with. Lifting heavier weight will NOT make you bulky. The female body cannot naturally, on it’s own, produce enough testosterone to make you overly muscular. Lifting heavier weight will, however, give your booty a natural lift as well as make it firmer and more shapely. Sound good?

Workouts To Get A Bigger Butt

Equipment needed: Two moderately heavy to heavy weight dumbbells, a yoga mat and a chair/bench.

What to do: Perform each workout 1-2 times per week, with the number of repetitions (reps), and circuits indicated. Review the videos for correct form. Before each workout, be sure to warm-up for 5 to 10 minutes by walking, jogging or running.

Bonus Tip: Push your weight through your heels instead of your toes to target your glutes!

Workout One

Rest 30-60 seconds between each exercise. Perform 5 circuits. This routine should take approximately 25 minutes.

1. Dumbbell Sumo Squat

10 slow reps (push up through your HEELS.)

2. Regular Deadlifts with Dumbbells

10 reps (squeeze glutes at the top for 3 to 5 seconds.)

3. Weighted Step-Up with Knee Lift

20 reps (alternating legs; holding dumbbells down at your sides.)

4. Weighted Hip Thrusts

10 slow reps (squeeze glutes at the top for 3 to 5 seconds.)

Workout Two

Rest 30-60 seconds between each exercise. Perform 5 circuits. This routine takes approximately 30 minutes.

1. Walking Lunges

20 reps (alternating legs.)

2. Single-Leg Dumbbell Deadlift 

10 reps per leg.

3. Dumbbell Squat 

10 slow reps (hold dumbbells down at side.)

4. Glute Kick-Back 

10 reps per leg (squeeze at the top; dumbbell should be held behind the knee.)

NOTE: Results are based on numerous factors, including but not limited to age, current fitness level, and commitment to the program. After completion of the 28-Day Program be sure to keep working out. Find more butt workouts here.

Instructional videos begin on page 2…

Instructional Videos

Workout 1

Dumbbell Sumo Squats

Regular Deadlifts with Dumbbells

Weighted Step-Up with Knee Lift

Weighted Hip Thrusts

Workout 2

Walking Lunges

Single-Leg Dumbbell Deadlifts

Dumbbell Squats

Glute Kick-Backs

How To Get A Bigger Butt – 28 Day Program

We’d love to hear what you think of our “How to Get a Bigger Butt – 28 Day Program.” Which exercise was YOUR favorite? Leave us a comment in the comments section below!

If you enjoyed this routine, you might also like to try these 3 Best Exercises to Get a Firm, Round, Lifted Butt and these 8 Moves to Lose Saddlebags for Good.

Make sure that you subscribe to our eNewsletter so that you don’t miss out on all things Skinny Ms.

For more tasty recipes, healthy lifestyle tips, and whole body workouts check out our Facebook page and follow us on Pinterest and Instagram.

Editor’s Note: Originally published Jan 30, 2015

This post may include affiliate links.

Gale Compton

I have a passion for creating recipes and developing fitness workouts. You'll often find me in the kitchen, experimenting with new flavors, or enjoying the outdoors with my family and our dog, Maggie. She loves homemade meals just like we do, and you’ll discover plenty of her favorite recipes right here on the site!

More by Gale


  1. I’m skinny and I’m working out 3 times per week. Will this help me if I do it 3 times a week? Or what else should I do?

    1. Hi Doriya,

      Yes! This program is perfect for all body types because it’s designed to isolate and build the booty muscles 🙂

        1. Natasha, Remember, consistency is the key to making lasting changes. Take a look at our other butt/glute routines. Switch up your routine and start by doing the lower body 2-3 times weekly.

  2. i am trying to gain muscle weight but also loose some fat. i see this workout is for the butt. do you have any workout plans that are scheduled throughout the week? including arms, glutes, legs. I am trying to workout everything

    1. Hey Paige,

      You would perform workout 1 on a different day from workout 2. Each workout will be performed once or twice a week, for up to 4 days of exercise. Let us know if you have any other questions! 🙂

  3. Should i do every exercise for 5 sets then move to the next one, or all the exercises for 1 set then start over again for 5 rounds ?

    1. Perform one exercise after the other then begin again. So, do all the exercises for 1 set then start over again for 5 rounds.

    1. Hi Mareesha,

      The exercises included in the 6 Moves to Strong, Lean Legs Workout are all excellent moves for building muscle. There are also instructional videos at the bottom of the post to help you use proper form. In addition to exercises that will build muscle, you may also want to check out our article, This is How to Eat for Lean and Toned Muscle. Diet plays a huge role in not only weight loss, but muscle gain, as well. Hope that helps! 🙂

    1. Hi Jennifer!
      Yes. The exercises in this program target your glutes but will also work your quads, hamstrings, and calves for a complete lower body routine!

  4. Help! I’ve spent the last 6 weeks exercising 6 days a week. HIIT for 30min then a butt toning for 15-30min. I just noticed my butt is so much smaller than it used to be. After reading I think I burnt out my gluetes by not resting them enough. How can I move forward to gain back what I lost and increase my butt size? I’m so sad after all this word it was counterproductive. Thank you for the help.

    1. Sue, It’s important to do cardio/HIIT, just don’t over do it. Below is an example workout schedule to address the entire body, including building glutes.

      Monday: Cardio/HIIT 10-15 minutes, triceps and shoulders 15-30 minutes
      Tuesday: Legs/Glutes/Abs 30 minutes
      Wednesday: Chest/Triceps/Shoulders 30 minutes
      Thursday: Biceps and Back 30 minutes
      Friday: Cardio/HIIT 10-15 minutes (include jumping jacks and lunge jumps which are great glute builders)
      Saturday: Legs/Glutes/Abs 30 minutes
      Sunday: Rest Day…very important to rest!

      Here’s another booty building routine.

      Hope this helps!

    1. You will need to eat foods that have adequate amounts of protein. It is possible to eat a plant based diet or a meat based one and still gain muscle. 🙂

    1. Diya, Try the 28-Day program then look for other routines on the site. It’s important to continually challenge muscle groups.

    1. D, You can use your bodyweight or light weights of 5-10 pounds if you’re a beginner. I recommend increasing both, one at a time. First, increase reps a few at a time. Next, increase weight gradually. Be sure to always use weight you are comfortable with while still being able to maintain correct form. Hope this helps! 🙂

  5. Hi i have a comparative broad shoulders and gained some wight on my belly but I want an hourglass shape. Is there a way where I can get smaller waist not build up muscular waist and get fuller butt.

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