These workouts for beginners will help you get in shape!
Tired of finding workouts that are too hard and do not have any modifications? Skinny Ms. has put together workouts designed for those people who responded to our question on Skinny Ms. Fitness Facebook about wanting Absolute Beginner Workouts. These workouts are put together with modified and simple exercises that are not overly intensive and are doable for anyone, regardless of size or age.
For those of you who find our daily workouts or Tabatas are too difficult, these workouts are for you! We want to help get you on the road to being in amazing shape and more importantly, healthy! If you have already started your weight loss journey we would love for you to join us in this series of beginner workouts.
This is the first of the Absolute Beginner Workout Series. The workouts will be slightly more challenging each time. For each workout we will have an “Absolute Beginner” version and a “Beginner” version. We have an Absolute Beginner workout for people who chose not to use weights and prefer the exercises sitting or laying. Then we also have just regular Beginner versions.
In the Absolute Beginner Workout we will have six exercises. You will need little or no weight, you can also use water bottles if you like, a yoga mat, a chair, and a wall to lean against! Our goal is 10-15 repetitions per exercise and 2 rounds of this circuit.
Here’s a stretching video to get you ready for this workout:
Absolute Beginner’s Workout:
1. Donkey Kicks
2. Sitting Leg Extensions
3. Inner/Outer Thigh Segment
4. Wall Push Up
5. Sitting Bicep Curl
6. Sitting Tricep Extensions
In the Beginner Workout below we will have six exercises. You will need light dumbbells, a yoga mat, and plenty of water! Our goal is to do 10-15 repetitions of each exercise and two circuits.
As we are preparing to launch a new fitness program for anyone, regardless of size or age, we would love your feedback regarding the workouts above…too difficult, too easy? Leave a comment below with your feedback. After all, the new fitness program will be for you!
If you find that you enjoy these workouts and are ready to make a commitment to an exercise plan, but want something slightly more challenging, check our Skinny Ms. Total Body Transformation!
Beginner’s Workout:
1. Donkey Kicks with Pulses
2. Standing Leg Extensions
3. Inner/Outer Thigh Segment
4. Modified Push Up
5. Standing Bicep Curl
6. Standing Tricep Extensions
Will these work if you can not stand or get down on the floor?
Yes, you can do all the upper body exercises. I'll email you to get more info.
I'm excited to try these! I'm very strong, but my endurance is terrible, and my flexibility is bad, too. Too many hours spent in an office chair. Complicating this is that I have lupus and fibromyalgia, so it I overexert myself by doing as many reps/as much weight of an exercise as I can, the soreness is so bad and lasts so long that I get discouraged. I think this is a good balance of challenging but moderate enough that I can stick with it. 🙂
Virginia, Thank you so much for the feedback. This is the response I was hoping for!! I'm so excited about Shape Up Size Down Fitness…lots to come!!! 😀
Excellent idea to have these beginner workouts. Thank you.
Noor Taha, Thank-you! Are goal is to provide workouts for every fitness level, size, weight and age. 🙂
Just did the first absolute beginner workout and really liked it. I have one small suggestion. Getting up and down off the floor is tough, can you do all the floor at once? That was a great way to begin my morning. I did it in my bedroom without disturbing the kids. Hoping I make this part of every morning. I already feel more energized!!
kristie, That's a great idea. I love getting feedback as it really helps me to know what our readers want and need. Thanks and I'll make that happen in all future workouts. And as always…give us your feedback, it's much appreciated! 😀
Great idea to do it in the morning Kristie!! I think I'll try that too!
Thanks for making something for absolute beginners! I did the work out today and will probably try the beginner next time. With my fitness level I may go back and forth between the two. I think I will need to follow up with a short walk at least though to get some cardio. Thanks again.
Sue, That’s fantastic! We’ll be adding more beginner videos all the time.
How long do I do the first workout? And where is the next one? Most of the stuff was pretty easy for me, but I can feel it from just that little bit, yay!!! Do you have any simple cardio to pair with this?
Erin, Here are several beginner workouts…
Also, You should definitely check out our 36 FAT BLASTERS for beginners.
I really enjoyed these work outs the first circuit seemed kind of easy but by the time i did the second circuit i was really starting to feel it all over and was pushing myself…im looking forward to starting a new daily routine with these exercises. thank you for helping me to get healthy again!
You’re so welcome!
i need a beginner ab work out. I can't do a sit up without tucking my feet under a chair and it's been so long since I did that, I probably can't even do that! Any suggestions on how to get your abs in shape to be able to do a proper ab workout?
Carla, Try this at home ab routine for beginners.
Thank you for using fuller figured ladies for some of the workouts. That's encouraging for someone like myself who is just beginning my weight loss journey. Other websites mean well, but when the video presents an already skinny and fit person demonstrating the exercises, it's a little more than depressing.
Sherri, You are so welcome! We will be doing more Shape Up Size Down Workouts…be on the lookout! 🙂
That is so right Sherri, i was also pleasantly surprised when you were using plus size models for the exercise, keeps it real. Thanks again skinnyms 🙂
Thank you so much! This is exactly what I've been looking for. Everybody has to start somewhere. I can't do 25 Burmese … Probably can't even do 1 but I CAN do these. Perfect for true beginners!
I just found this site and watched the video. I know I will be able to do the absolute beginners work out, and for some one who is overweight and older, just what I need to help me start exercising again and help me get into shape. Looking forward to seeing all videos and doing all the exercises. Just the help I need. Thank you so much.
Vonnie, You are so welcome!! We have a lot more Beginner’s Workouts coming…. 🙂
Thank you so much! I have Fibro and I suffer from fatigue along with the pain. I am going to try the absolute beginner workout. I have been told that I have lost mobility and I will not get all of it back, but maybe I can keep from losing more if I do simple things.
Lee, Keep us posted. 🙂
I have been walking everyday now for over a year.. I changed my eating habits(don't like the diet word) and have lost 162 pounds so far. I just needed to really start toning and getting a work out I could start off with and stick to. This is perfect!! So along with my 5 mile walk in the morning I can do this at night! Love this site and can't wait to do more!!!
Susan, That's fantastic!!! We love providing content that motivates and helps people get in shape, the healthy way! 🙂 Please keep us posted on your progress.
How many times a week should I do the first workout? Or is a daily thing?
As an absolute beginner, start by following this program 3-4 times per week on non-consecutive days. As you build your fitness level, you can increase the workout to 5 days per week.
Just out of curiosity, I am newly following the weight watchers points plus plan, and I completed the beginners workout throughout twice, with 15 reps each, as suggested. I was wondering how many calories were burned, or how many workout points I earned? Just so that i can record it in my book. Thanks!
Jenna, We don’t calulate calories burned unless specified. This is on list of “To Dos” but as of yet,
we haven’t found a way to accurately calculate calories buned for most workouts.
I just found your website & im very excited about trying some of your devious looking recipes. I was even more excited when I saw your excercises for beginnings. I did them & liked it. Thank you for understanding that there are some people out there who are definitely not as advanced as others in the fitness world. I really like your website.
Lisa, Thank you so much for the positive feedback. We work really hard to make sure everyone, regardless of fitness level, finds workouts that are both doable and effective. Not everyone is a seasoned athletic, and we always keep that in mind when creating our workouts.
We have a beginner’s workout calendar coming out very soon. It’s free and downloadable. I think you’ll love it. 🙂
Thank you!! Finally, a work out that I can do with the physical challenge of a bad knee and too many hours sitting in a office chair. It’s very frustrating to have been fit all your life and have one knee take that away from you. I love the absolute beginner’s workout and although I can’t do the first exercise, I am able to do all the rest! I look forward to more in the series!!
We’re glad you like it, Pam!
I’m really want to get back in shape but haven’t done anything physical besides walking to work which is 2.6 miles. But that doesn’t really do much for me anymore I stopped losing weight. So I decided I needed to go on a whole foods diet and wanted to learn how to do exercises the right way. I’m too ashamed to join a gym at the moment I weigh 250 I originally weighed 270 and lost the 20 pounds walking. Hopefully after this 30 day work out plan I’ll be on the right track.
First, 2.6 miles a day is pretty darn good! Regarding going to the gym, please, please don’t let
your weight stop you. I’ve been there and know how you feel. The first few weeks I walked into
the gym, my knees almost buckled from feeling so self-conscious. I focrced myslef to go and began
to love it. Of course, it’s really up to you but I wouldn’t let your weight stop you.
Howver, the gym is not a must for getting into shape. We have endless
workouts on this site that, if committed, you will reach your fitness goals.
Here’s a fantastic place to start
I’ve just started my 30-day-get-in-shape-training-plan-for-beginners and today was my first day 🙂
It felt really good and I really love that I could follow the instructions, I have no negative feelings at all and I am so happy that finally someone was thinking about ME as a total beginner! 😀
I really want to move and shape up and I’ve been trying to find help and looks like I found it .D
Thank you!
Thanks so much for the feedback! We’re happy that you’ve found a training plan that you feel comfortable with. Let us know if you have any questions.
Myself and two of my friends are doing it with me…I am in Kentucky, my sister in law is in Ore and our Cousin is in California…we are 50ish well two of are and the other will be soon! We loved our first workout and the pace was perfect and feel it will be a great start to getting fit! Thank you for thinking of the rest of us!
That’s great, Rebecca! Good luck and keep us posted on your progress! 🙂
I’m in terrible shape and in my 60s. I could do your absolutely beginner workout which was very encouraging. I’m likely to keep it up. Thanks?
Cathy, Good for you!!! Keep it up and keep us posted. 🙂
Just did day one. Did one cycle of Absolute Beginners and one cycle of Beginners. Looking forward to tomorrow. Thanks for this structure. It’s what I needed. My own personal trainer.
Bunny, Of course! I’m so happy you found a workout just for you. 🙂
Just did my first workout and loved it, thanks! Just the difficulty level I needed. I can’t find the rest of the series however… Could you tell me where to find it?
Thanks for sharing! We’re happy you liked it. 🙂 Here’s the next workout:
I’m 42 I’m 5 foot 5 inches and weigh 160 I recently had a heart attack. I”m not very fit but would like to change that I’ve also quite smoking 2 months ago. Can you give me any suggestions?
It looks like you’re in the right place. Our beginner workouts are an excellent place to start, but it is always a good idea to get your doctor’s approval before you begin any new fitness routine, especially post-heart attack.
This is great! Recently on a life changing path I’ve lost 35lbs so far and cut out fast food/take out entirely! It’s nice to see some information for beginners!!
I was very active but 4yrs ago, may 6 disc in back slipped, went for pain management shots and gained 70lbs. I need to lose weight I have 2 weddings, have a gym membership but when you go from a 110-180 I don’t even like to go out
. Please help, don’t eat red meat gulentin allergies always ate healthy, but know I don’t what to eat, because if I don’t exceriseing I gain weight fast.
Since you’ve been injured, you should check with your doctor about what would be the safest way for you to add exercise back into your routine.
This is a great workout – loved the trainer and how she described everything! Thank you!
You’re so welcome, Bridget!
As I watched the first workout video for the first time, I started doing the bicep curl with no weights at all – and got tired out after just 8. Sheesh! Obviously I really need this. I won’t be able to do the donkey kicks because it still hurts to kneel due to knee replacement surgery a year ago. Can you suggest other exercises for the hamstrings and core?
Marcia, Please review these workouts AND
This was just what I needed to start working out. I’m 19, 5 feet and 145 pounds. I lost weight last year and was 130 and this year I gained it back. I’ve always struggled with my weight and body image. I always wanted to do a sport in school but was discouraged because of my body and my physical state. If this program has videos like this for 30 days I can stick to them as a challenge, by 30 days if I see significant results I hopefully will be hooked on exercising. I suggest more thorough stretching, designed for the exercises on the video. When I was doing the donkey kicks I felt like my legs weren’t properly stretched and more detailed stretching afterwards too, as a beginner you forget that. Also I would like to see an exercise for your back and torso in the routine so it feels more full body.
Yuli, Check out these workouts and programs
Just need to know for each new days workout I cant seem to get the routine. I only get each exercise for the one by itself showing you how to do it. could someone please tell me what im doing wrong. it takes to long to do it that way and im trying to do this before work.
thanks in advance
ms cross
Here’s the list of exercises:
Absolute Beginner’s Workout:
1. Donkey Kicks
2. Sitting Leg Extensions
3. Inner/Outer Thigh Segment
4. Wall Push Up
5. Sitting Bicep Curl
6. Sitting Tricep Extensions
Beginner’s Workout:
1. Donkey Kicks with Pulses
2. Standing Leg Extensions
3. Inner/Outer Thigh Segment
4. Modified Push Up
5. Standing Bicep Curl
6. Standing Tricep Extensions
Hi Deborah, It’s there
Thank you for doing all of this without charging! You find a website that looks amazing that you think will be able to help and of course, you have to pay them to access the information. This website will be my bible for the next few months while I get my body sorted! :o)
Question needing some feedback— how can I improve my balance??? It has gotten horrible. Will regular exercise help? I’m fine physically and only 38.
Laura, Hmmmm…Balance, I’ve discovered, is a problem for many people. I would recommend seeing a specialist.
For me, giving up dairy and eating mostly a plant based diet has helped my balance so much. Yoga, has also helped tremendously.
I just happened to find these exercises! Thanks!
This was awesome really felt it in the second circuit. Are you able to add some before and after streches that would be helpful
Trista, We have videos of each move. Please look below the workout.
I am from a small country in Africa called Swaziland, and through the power of technology I am able to work on my body with SkinnyMs. Thank you for all the work out ideas. I never have time to go to the gym so I am eternally grateful for the workout videos and tips. I am working on my body as we speak. Thank you
Thank you for letting us know our workouts are helpful. That’s what we’re here for. 🙂
in the introduction it is mentioned that you have an exercise routine for doing all exercises on the floor (lying down). For those of us with vertigo, that is a must! Can you give us the link for that routine?
Hi Kelly,
The floor/sitting workout can be found on the Absolute Beginner’s Workout – Part 1 post. There are two workouts on this page, it is the first one titled “Absolute Beginner’s Workout”
I needed something small to get me moving. Thank you for providing this free resource!
That’s Great, Jackie! We’re happy we could help! Be sure to check out the rest of our FREE Home Workouts!
Thanks for the Absolute Beginners Workout. Just what I need to get started! I call it “getting in shape to get in shape”. I tweaked the order so there is less getting up and down.
I do have one question. I do Clam Shells as part of a core routine also. Does this work the same muscle group as the Donkey Kick? I’ve always been told that you should work the same muscle group on alternating days.
Elinor, Clam Shell is not the same as donkey kick.
I’m loving the ease back into with this workout, with Corona, i completely stopped any kind of activity, I needed to restart somewhere, and these are perfect and easy to follow. 1 question I have though, how long should I continue ? When I’m ready should I add a thirdcircuit? Or go to step 2 of beginners? Thank you
Hi Rhonda, When you’re ready, move onto Part 2. If you’d like to keep doing this routine for a few weeks, feel free to add another circuit. There are tons on the site to choose from.