Workout your back for a strapless, sexy summer!
Tank top and bikini weather is coming soon. Like many fitness enthusiasts, you’ve likely been working your abs and arms in recent months in order to prepare for summer, but you may have forgotten your back. If you have a little excess back fat showing, these back workouts will help to take care of all of that. Plus, they’ll strengthen some of the most important muscles in your body!
1. Beautiful Back Workout for All Fitness Levels
A sexy back is ready for you regardless of your fitness level with this workout.
2. H.I.I.T. Your Back Workout
Blast back fat with this high intensity back workout.
3. Beautiful Back, Home Workout
Why do at a gym what you can do at home? Hop off the couch and get started with this workout.
4. 7 Day Back & Shoulder Challenge
A back and shoulder mix for a total back workout. Start sculpting here.
5. 4 Moves to a Sexy Summer Back
Get your back ready for summer with this 4 move workout.
6. Sexy Summer Shoulders Workout
Consider your shoulders just as important as your back. Sexy shoulders lead into a sexy back with this workout.
7. Sexy Shoulder Workout
Another shoulder workout for the perfect visual introduction to your back.
Mix in some of our favorite summer season workouts with any of these back workouts:
7- Day Summer Abs Challenge
7-Day Summer Arms Challenge
7 Day Summer Legs Challenge
Summer Body Workout Challenge
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