HIIT Challenge: High Intensity Ab Exercises

Tone your tummy AND lose fat in record time!

The benefits of interval training are abundant, including increasing endurance, improving acceleration and speed, and burning more calories in less time. Basically, it makes you more athletic and accomplishes what you would on a treadmill in a third of the time! Plus, it revs up your metabolism and keeps you burning fat for hours after your workout is over. With all of this in mind, there’s no reason not to make our high intensity ab exercises challenge a part of your regular routine!

A Quick Lesson On Abdominal Muscles

abdominal muscles

Your core muscles are divided into several different muscle groups. These muscles are layered on top of each other. The innermost layer is the transversus abdominis, and moving outward, we have the internal obliques, external obliques, and finally, the rectus abdominis (your six-pack muscles!) The lower back muscles are also technically part of your core. All of these muscles work together to help us stand, bend, twist, and move all day long! 

This awesome fitness routine strengthens each of these layers to not only enhance our athletic performance but also to help us complete everyday tasks with less effort.

The Major Benefit of Combining HIIT with High Intensity Ab Exercises

Bicycle crunches

Training your abdominal muscles regularly will help you tone up. But many of us also have a layer of body fat that hides them! In order to reveal the abs we’ve worked so hard for, we need to also perform fat-burning exercises. High-Intensity interval training is perfect for this! Cardio, like walking, swimming, and biking work, too! This Abs HIIT workout challenge combines the best exercises for building and revealing your ab muscles!

Shed Fat in a Caloric Deficit

In addition to HIIT workouts, making sure you’re in a calorie deficit is absolutely essential to fat loss. Check out our article How Many Calories Should I be Eating Daily to Lose Weight? It will help you determine how much you should be eating each day, as well as the type of foods your diet should consist of. (Hint: plenty of protein, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats.)

HIIT Challenge: High Intensity Ab Exercises

HIIT Challenge: High Intensity Ab Exercises

Equipment Needed:  Interval timer, yoga mat, or soft surface

What to Do: Perform each exercise for 45 seconds and rest for 15 seconds after each one. Review the videos below for exercise demonstrations. Complete the number of circuits indicated for your fitness level.

Repeat this HIIT abs workout three times a week to burn fat and get a toned, strong core.

Beginner Level: Complete one circuit.
Intermediate Level: Complete two circuits.
Advanced Level: Complete four circuits.


1. Jumping Jacks
2. Bicycle Crunches
3. Flutter Kicks
4. Russian Twists
5. Jumping Jacks
6. Figure Four Leg Lifts
7. Toe Touches
8. Jumping Jacks
9. Plank Toe Touch

Instructional Videos

Jumping Jacks

Bicycle Crunches

Flutter Kicks

Russian Twists

Figure Four Leg Lifts

Toe Touches

Plank Toe Touch

If you enjoyed this HIIT Challenge: High Intensity Ab Exercises workout, we think you might also like to try these similar challenges:

Need to Focus on Other Body Parts?

HIIT targets your whole body

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If you enjoyed this HIIT Challenge: High Intensity Ab Exercises, you might also like to try:

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Pinterest for more awesome HIIT workout routines, healthy recipes, and more! You can subscribe to our eNewsletter, too, to get the latest articles delivered directly to your inbox!

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The SkinnyMs. team believes that all people, regardless of age, size, and fitness level, have the power to transform their lives — they just need the resources to do so. The SkinnyMs. method promotes healthy living through a combination of clean eating and regular exercise. We offer everything you need to be successful.

More by Skinny


  1. Everyone should try this H.I.I.T (High Intensity Interval Training) too! It can be the answer to your dream abs. H.I.I.T brings you a lot of benefits. I gave these workout a try too and look at me now, I burned a lot of calories. I used these workouts together with the workout routines I found from Exercise Aholics.

  2. Isn't the most important part is your diet when it comes to abs? I mean, these exercises combined with a proper diet = win!

  3. HIIT is definitely the best to reveal those abs. Nice exercise choices! Have never heard of Figure 4 exercise, but will have to try it during my next workout 🙂

    1. Diana, This routine is a circuit so you won’t be doing a specific number of reps. Follow below, depending on your fitness level:

      Perform each exercise for 45 seconds and rest 15 seconds after each one. Complete the number of circuits indicated for your fitness level.

      Beginner Level: Complete one circuit.
      Intermediate Level: Complete two circuits.
      Advanced Level: Complete four circuits.

  4. hi…
    when i do any type of belly exercises i fell the burn in the stomach only but i don’t fell any burn or pain in the lower belly pooch is this what should happen or i am doing something wrong…cause i need to lose fat from the lower belly pooch .i don’t need to lose any fat from the stomach cause it’s look great…so is this normal and will help me to reach my goal??

    1. These exercises will target the muscles in the entire belly to increase strength and to enable your body to better burn fat from all over your body. Once the fat is eliminated, your abs will appear more defined. It is impossible to spot-target fat, only muscle. Fat is eliminated through exercise, regardless of the type and target-location, and clean eating.

  5. Hi, I’ve been working for months to get rid of belly fat with exercise and nutrition. I am skinny, will this HIITT be any good for me?

    1. Hi, HIIT workouts are a great way to get rid of extra fat, including belly fat. Be sure you have a healthy eating plan as well. 🙂

    1. Asia, HIIT routines are an excellent way to burn fat. This workout also helps to tone abs, if done on a consistent basis. 🙂

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