Let kettlebells transform your body.
If you’ve been passing by the kettlebells at the gym, you’ve been missing out on one of the most beneficial pieces of workout equipment. With fat burning and advanced muscle sculpting through forced stability, these kettlebell routines will work wonders.
Want to train at home? The Hers 30lb Kettlebell Weight Kit is the perfect set to help you train with kettlebells regardless of your experience level.
1. 5 Day Beginner’s Kettlebell Challenge
The best way to learn is to dive into the deep end. This 5 day workout will teach you all you need to know.
2. Lower Body Kettlebell Workout
Tone your legs and tush with this workout.
3. Kettlebell Fat-Burning Workout
Shed pounds with this fat blasting workout.
4. 4 Minute Kettle Bell Fat Blaster
This quick workout is perfect for boosting your metabolism for extra fat burning.
5. Killer Kettlebell Workout Challenge
Looking for more of a challenge? This workout will push your body to its limits to get the results you deserve.
6. Kettlebell Butt Lift Workout
Get your butt round and firm with this muscle focused workout.
Craze just means high intensity here. Get crazy with some kettlebells.
8. 17 Kettlebell Exercises for Total Body Toning
An encyclopedia’s worth of moves to hit every muscle. Start toning here.
9. Kettlebell Bootcamp Challenge
This boot camp challenge is designed to test every muscle group and your commitment to fight through.
With all the fat you’ll be burning from these workouts, it’s important to refuel properly. Check out our ebooks with some of our favorite recipes:
The Skinny Ms. Recipe Collection
Skinny Ms. Make Ahead Meals
99 Slow Cooker Recipes
Be sure to like our Facebook page and follow us on Pinterest to be the first to try out new workouts and view our latest fitness resources.
We’d love to hear what you think of this post, or what you’d like to see on our site. Leave us a comment in the comments section below.
Thanks for posting all these workouts! It was hard for me to stay motivated when all I could find were 5-7 min workouts on the internet when I was doing 45 mins already. I don't want to have to piece mini workouts to create a basic workout!
You're welcome, Marina!